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Book One: GLADYS AYLWARD, missionary

What others are saying:


I absolutely love this book - it's fun, it's relatable, and with its vibrant illustrations and energetic prose, it's so readable. What a gift it is to be able to share this inspiring story and much-needed role model with the young girls in my life. -Michelle DeRusha, author of 50 Women Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Heroines of the Faith


As soon as I started reading this book, I knew it was a godsend to a generation of young ladies desperate to know that God still can and will use them for great things. In Gutsy Girls, Amy L. Sullivan does a magnificent job of sharing the true story of Gladys Aylward and how a nobody by the world's standards turned out to be one of the "gutsiest" women ever. Gutsy Girls truly is a clarion call to our daughters to be courageous world changers. This book needs to find itself on our daughters' nightstands everywhere! --Kristi Bailey, homeschooling mom of four, former public school teacher, and Administrator of the North Point Homeschool Co-op

Attention mothers of elementary-aged girls: You want your daughters to read this series! Missionary Gladys Aylward is the first woman up in this new series on women who impacted the world. Amy Sullivan offers a succinct overview of Aylward's life, focusing on Aylward's perseverance and the sacrifices she made for Christ's kingdom. Beverly Ann Wines provides fun, entertaining illustrations. This is a book the entire family can enjoy in one evening. Sullivan's message that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things is a message we all need to hear and take to heart. -Sondra K. mother, author, and ministry leader

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